Mammograms are one of the best ways to detect breast cancer early. Most pregnant women are younger than 40 years old, the common age where screening mammograms are recommended, but […]
Some Postmenopausal Women with Breast Cancer May Forgo Chemotherapy
Postmenopausal women with hormone receptor (HR)-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative breast cancer that has spread to a limited number of lymph nodes, and whose recurrence risk is […]
Are You In A COVID-19 Hot Zone?
Now there’s a resource that can answer that question! There are several COVID-19 zones in New York City and Queens. Use this online COVID-19 zone finder to stay updated on […]
How To Do A Testicular Cancer Self-Exam
Did you know April is Testicular Cancer Awareness month? In honor, we thought we’d go over what testicular cancer is, the symptoms and how to do a self-exam. At many […]
Differences in Insurance Coverage Associated with Nearly Half of Black-White Survival Disparity in Colorectal Cancer
Findings reinforce importance of equitable insurance coverage Health insurance coverage differences account for nearly one-half of the black-white survival disparity in colorectal cancer patients, according to a new study. The […]
Sweet Dreams: Tips to Help you Sleep Better (Part 1)
Like children, adults may need to take conscious steps to relax ourselves and tuck ourselves into bed at night. When insomnia creeps in, use this tip guide to create a […]
Black Women and Breast Cancer
In our work with cancer patients and their caregivers in the underserved and minority populations throughout Queens, we have learned that health and health care are not the same for […]
New York State Breast Density Law Creates Cancer Screening Awareness
If you’ve received a mammogram anytime within the last 3 years, you may have questions about a new section in the results about breast density. Since 2013, mammogram results from […]