We are doing great (especially as compared to last year at this time). I am working, we have a nice apartment, we are alive again. Life is not always easy but I am happy. So far, my health is fine…. Merryl, I cannot thank you enough for your help. I think you have helped us keeping our couple together and handling this disease nightmare as good as we could. This cancer episode has…changed us both. Most of the change is for the best, in my opinion. Your organization is the one that will get my donations when our financial situation is totally back to normal. Please keep us informed of events you may have in the future.
— Mimi
Hi Merryl, I wanted to write this email to express to you how much I appreciate you taking time out of your day to come down to our school and give me and other students insight on breast cancer. I felt it was a good way to have more hands-on knowledge on breast cancer, and to be able to listen to stories of survivors. So thank you so much.
— E.P., World Journalism Preparatory School
First of all I want to thank you for coming to our school and encouraging our children about mammograms and self checking every week on and off.
— Mrs. Das, World Journalism Preparatory School
Thanks for telling us about the cancer awareness. I am now more experienced on this matter and will spread the word around my school and community. I now have more appreciation for people like you, who come around and spread the word.
— S.P., World Journalism Preparatory School
Thanks for helping me better understand cancer and the affect it has on people’s lives.
— M.K., World Journalism Preparatory School
Thank you for coming to World Journalism Preparatory School to teach us more about breast cancer. It really made me more aware about how it is possible to get breast cancer, and how to prevent it. I had no idea how to properly identify it, and now I understand better than I did before. I hope your group can help spread it to others and prevent lives being taken from people by cancer.
— N.M., World Journalism Preparatory School
I was diagnosed with Stage I Ovarian cancer at the age of 29. I underwent a major surgery to remove my right ovary, fallopian tube, appendix and was put on chemotherapy two weeks after the surgery. To make things worse, I gradually slid back into a depression as I was enduring all the side effects of chemotherapy. Desperately looking for help, I Googled online to seek support that was related to cancer-induced depression. That was when I found SHAREing & CAREing. Merryl, their social worker, was hosting a session on depression in a local library and I went. Since then, I have been going to Merryl regularly for counseling. Merryl understands the particular challenges a cancer patient faces during treatment and understands about helping with depression and she is uniquely positioned to give me the advice that few counselors could. SHAREing & CAREing also connected me with a local wig supplier who fit me a wig without charging a penny. I am very grateful for the timely counseling and support received from SHAREing & CAREing when I was most vulnerable physically and mentally.
— Freda Z.
A friend referred me to SHAREing & CAREing to guide me with my situation. I am so glad she did. SHAREing & CAREing has given me emotional support on the telephone, at meetings and workshops. Anna Z. and Anna K. came to visit me when I came home from the hospital after my surgery. I have received literature. I was given a wig. I have learned from the fellow members. I would recommend SHAREing & CAREing.
— C. G.
I want to commend and thank Sharing & Careing, for all your care and for what you do for patients and cancer survivors. Your goodness has already transcended countries, and has come to my native Ecuador, benefiting my mother on several occasions since her surgery 7 years ago. This time she received one foam breast form and two mastectomy bras. Thank you, on behalf of me, my mother and my sisters. To see the face of my mother imbued with hope, safety and comfort gives us happiness. God continue to bless all that you do.
— Glenda G.
Thank you for your kind support during this most difficult time. Your support and kindness made my days easier…. We are very lucky to have SHAREing & CAREing in Astoria.
— Maria Heneghan
My first question was about insurance because I didn’t have any. And, that was the only question I was going to ask. SHAREing & CAREing jumped in and basically saved me. They helped me get to doctors, went with me to see the doctors, talked to me, held my hand. They made arrangements so I could pay less. I have no words to express my gratitude. They were absolutely wonderful. If it were not for SHAREing & CAREing, I don’t know what would have happened to me.
— Larissa

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the late 80’s before SHAREing & CAREing was in existence. Soon after my surgery, my place of business moved out of New York. I had to find a new job and keep my illness a secret. When I started going to SHAREing & CAREing meetings my whole life changed. The staff, volunteers and fellow survivors were so welcoming. I was able to talk openly about my breast cancer and what I went through. It was wonderful to share my experiences with people who really cared. Within time, I found I was helping newly diagnosed members with my story as I was by this time truly a survivor. Our meetings very often have guest speakers and open discussions. As an example, we have had a certified lymphedema therapist and a pharmacist from Crescent Chemists speak. I have found our meetings to be uplifting and we always, no matter what, find a reason to laugh. Our group is very special and our leadership is always reaching out to newly diagnosed people who need the services of SHAREing & CAREing. I have formed close friendships with so many survivors and staff. I look forward to our meetings and always leave with a feeling of warmth, love and support.
— Lucy Rauch , 25 year survivor
I was diagnosed in 1998 and had a mastectomy and adjuvant chemo. At the same time, my husband was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s Disease. I knew I had to survive to be able to take care of him and didn’t want to burden my daughters. They had enough to deal with. [Marie Bradley told me about SHAREing & CAREing. She had been going to meetings with another friend of ours (who did not have cancer). I also knew Lucille Hartmann, but didn’t know she was a survivor and one of the founders of SHAREing & CAREing. My daughter and Lucille’s son were friends and Lucille’s parents were my neighbors.] I really didn’t think I needed support, but did find strength and support at the meetings. Janet Sullivan was so inspirational, kind, supportive and knowledgeable. I met so many women who were long term survivors. It gave me hope. Over the years I have heard about many kindnesses of this very special organization and have met so many survivors. We are blessed to have this resource so close to home.
— Patricia Rossilli

I have been a member of SHAREing & CAREing since it originated. I am also a 27 year breast cancer survivor. Several years ago, a few months after my husband died, I was told I had metastasized bone cancer. I was devastated! After contacting hospitals, doctors and taking further tests, I went to see a well known local cancer doctor. I waited at his office three hours, only to be told not to worry because since it had taken over 20 years to spread it probably was a slow growing cancer and at my age I would die of something else. Finally, while at SHAREing & CAREing, I spoke with Anna Kril. She advised me to go to the Queens Cancer Center. I was seen by Dr. Gina Villani and immediately she contacted the radiologist who had reported metastasized cancer. Dr. Villani wanted to know on what basis? She advised me to see Dr. Samuel Kenan a musculoskeletal oncologist. He said I needed a core decompression biopsy to determine what was the cause for my pelvic pain and the image on the x-ray. There was a 20% chance of a tumor (lymphoma), bone marrow edema or osteo necrosis. It turned out to be edema. Thanks to Anna Kril “my guiding angel,” she advised me where to go to get the necessary help. Most of all she also provided me with the emotional support I needed.
— Connie Arroyo

It would be my pleasure to let you know how amazing SHAREing & CAREing is, I was put in touch with Anna Z by Dr. Manolas my surgeon in 2011, when I met Anna she was so caring and kind it made all the difference for me. SHAREing & CAREing was there when I had no one to be with me for chemo Anna made sure I got home safe, their support group was an outlet for me to speak to other woman going through the same as I was, I am so glad I was put in touch with SHAREing & CAREing Anna Z and the other staff will always be in my life.
— Allison Alexis
I came to know Sharing & Caring about 7 years ago. At that time, I was newly diagnosed with breast cancer. I was scared and needed some hope. I spoke with the patient advocate, in my doctors office, she gave me 3 places, I could choose from, to have the support I needed. She favored Sharing & Caring. Even though I did not live in Astoria I wanted to go on her judgement. And I am so happy I did. As soon as my husband and I walked in we felt so welcomed It felt like coming home but on a different level. When I spoke they truly understood and gave you all the hope that you needed. One person in particular shared her story. And it was such a difficult one, that I felt better already. The years in surviving was amazing to me. There cancer involved so much more lymph nodes than myself and aggressive and here they were 20 years or more, able to talk about it. The people I met were real, warm, caring and became my friends .And everyone listen and understands. The organization is a great place to talk about many things. It gives you a helping hand . Everyone can use that now and then.
— Anita Arroyo

SHAREing & CAREing is concerned about everyone who comes through their door. I am a Prostate Cancer Survivor for the past 10 years. I have attended along with my wife Eartha many Breast Cancer sessions and was allowed to speak to the men on Prostate Cancer. Now I am trying to survive Lung Cancer for the past 18 months. SHAREing & CAREing has been my inspiration along with my wife in trying to survive. Special Thanks to Anna for inspiring me to proceed with Chemo Therapy treatments. I was about to give up. Anna and I made a contract to go forward. I have no words left to express my gratitude for the concern and care given to me from SHAREing & CAREing.
— James S. Washington, Jr.

I am a lung cancer survivor and through SHAREing & CAREing was glad to meet Janet Sullivan. With her sweetness and kindness, she helped me go through the painful journey of chemotherapy and radiation. The intensive treatment was successful but also very expensive. I used to talk to Janet and always with her sense of humor she used to give me a lot of hope and motivation to keep going everyday for chemo and radiation. One day the hospital sent a statement for thousands of dollars that I owed them and that my insurance didn’t cover. Janet told me to not worry and she said “I will call and talk to them and make sure they will never bother you again.” Months passed and Janet submitted to the Hospital all the documents related to my financial situation. One day I received a letter from the Hospital saying that they waived the around $10,000 that I owed. I’m so grateful for SHAREing & CAREing and my prayers to Janet, Dan and their daughter. I will always remember her smile, sense of humor and her outgoing cool style.
— Anthony