On Wednesday, May 13th SHAREing & CAREing conducted its monthly Recovery Survivorship Program support group meet-up. This month we were honored to have as a special guest, Olga Mardach-Duclerc MSOM, ADS of Earth Mama Acupuncture & Herbs. Olga talked about the ancient branch of Chinese Medicine called Acupuncture which has become a mainstream therapy for an unlimited number of ailments of the human mind, body, and spirit.

The group of women who regularly attend S&C’s support group meetings have decades of survivorship between them and openly shared some of the symptoms they have experienced in cancer treatment, primarily: fatigue, general aches and pains, headaches, digestive and sleep changes. All of which are treatable with acupuncture. Olga also explained the NADA protocol which is an auricular (the visible part of the ear that resides outside of the head) system which was developed in the 1970’s as part of substance abuse detox. It worked so well it became adapted to other medical uses, such as mental/behavioral health, general detoxification and reducing pain and stress in general.
The group’s questions centered on how exactly acupuncture worked. Olga explained that the needles stimulate neurotransmitters and hormones that help regulate the parasympathetic system (the part of the nervous system which regulates our conscious actions such as rest, digestion, urination and other bodily functions we can control). This stimulation help to ease pain, reduce cravings, lower blood pressure and fight fatigue. The objective is always to achieve balance in the body’s functions so that we experience a sense of wellness.
Many of the participants reported feeling immediate improvements with marked decrease in pain, reduction of joint swelling and overall calm. Finally, Olga discussed herbal teas that help with specific conditions and nutrition.

Olga’s specialties are in the field of Gynecology, Pain Management and Herbal medicine. We want to thank Olga for volunteering her time and services. We hope to see her again soon!. If you would like to learn more about acupuncture or to schedule a private consultation, Olga can be reached at:
Olga Mardach-Duclerc MSOM, ADS
Earth Mama Acupuncture & Herbs
Phone: 917-681-8046
Website: HolisticHealth.vpweb.com
SHAREing & CAREing support group meetings are held monthly and feature a range of relevant topics for those undergoing cancer treatment or are post-treatment. For more information about attending a meet-up please contact us or check out our events page.