Photos courtesy of Lisa Kramer and Rosa Sarmiento.
On March 2, 2019 at Riccardo’s by the Bridge, SHAREing & CAREing hosted our annual Survivors and Family Wellness program. Over 60 survivors, caregivers, family members and friends came together to celebrate cancer survivorship.
Cancer takes so much from us, this event is the opposite of that. It allows us to come together, share stories and information, and make connections. Survivors who are years post-treatment provide faces of hope to those currently undergoing cancer treatment. As you can see from the pictures, this is a very special event for us, and each year our community grows and becomes stronger!
Special thanks to Kiwanis Club who sponsored the entertainment, including music, crafts, bubbles and dancing. Special thanks, also, to Riccardo’s By The Bridge’s Tony and Mark Corbisiero, and all the staff involved in hosting the perfect space for us to relax and mingle with old friends and new.